
Epilogue to Revelation (Rev 22:6-21)

Jan 31, 2025 By: Elias Adamo Topic: Sermon Devotional Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Scripture: Rev. 22:6-21

Reading the book of Revelation, one can easily miss the focus and purpose for which the letter was given. But the opening and closing sections of the letter help us to see that purpose very clearly. Jesus sent the letter because of his care and love for his bride, the church. He wanted us to know what things are going to happen in the world and to us, so that we would remain steadfast. 

Now at the end of the letter, we have Jesus’ final words to us. Three times he says that he is coming soon (vv.7,12 & 20). And he will make good on his promise, because he is “the Alpha and the Omega”; the self-existent, Eternal God, who is the author and finisher of history. 

The church then responds to her beloved Lord with these words: “Amen, Come Lord Jesus!” (vv.17,20). May this be the cry of our hearts always. 

Since this will be our last sermon in the book, we will be looking at a few takeaways to help us have the right perspective on life and world events.