Brothers and sisters:
This Sunday we will continue our survey of the first 11 chapters of Genesis which I have titled God, Man and Sin. Last time we looked at the pre-flood era starting in chapter 4-9. We saw the devastating results of the fall of Adam. We saw how sin in the words of the apostle Paul is “exceedingly sinful”. How it spread like wildfire and a cancerous disease though humanity with devastating consequences. This led to the universal flood in the days of Noah. In that sense, it is a dark period of human history full of rebellion on man’s part and judgement and wrath on God’s part.
But the pre-flood period has another side to it. Praise God that we are not left in darkness and despair. As is always true through biblical history, our God is always a God of grace and mercy not only wrath and power. The rainbow, the ark and Noah are reminders of the hope we have in God. These are the thought we will look at as we examine the relationship of Noah and God. It is a story of salvation, redemption, and renewal. A story of a God who makes a covenant with one man and comes through for him.
When God created the earth and man, he had a plan. That plan must and will take place. Sin and Satan would not thwart it. History must go on the way God intended for it from the beginning. In the end God will bring glory to him self through wrath and power on one hand and through grace and mercy on the other.
Please take time to read Genesis chapters 4-9 in preparation.