sinai 2

Sarah, A princes blessed by God & A helper fit for Abraham (Genesis 18:9-15)

Jul 12, 2024 By: Ibrahim Haro Topic: Sermon Devotional Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 18:9-15

It is common in our culture to hear people say, “behind every great man is a great woman”. This is not a biblical statement but as is the case with most of these common sayings, there is a hint of truth in it. Not all great men in history had a great woman in their lives. However, in the case of Abrahm the father of the faithful, it was the case.

Genesis 18:9-15 will focus our attention on Sarah. “Where is Sarah your wife?” asked the Lord. As we have been studying Genesis, we have met and heard of Sarah throughout the story of Abraham. They were married while still in their home country of Ur of the Chaldeans Gen. 11:29-30. She would remain by his side until her death. The first thing the Holy Spirit tells us about her is “Sarah was barren”. She was a women afflicted with the inability to have children. She lacked the pleasure of having children of her own (Gen. 18:12). Yet, God in his merciful and miraculous ways ultimately comes and gives her “laughter”.  When Isaac was born, she declared “God has made laughter for me” Gen. 21:16. It is not impossible nor unusual for God to come in the “fourth watch of the night” to come through for us. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” He said to her in our text vs. 14.   

This Sunday, we will take time to focus on this great woman of faith. In her case, she is indeed the great woman behind the great Abaham. We will explore how God dealt with her. We will see how He watched over her. We will see how He built up her faith to the point that her name would be mentioned among the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. We will also explore her relationship with her husband. The apostle Peter upholds Sarah’s conduct towards Abraham as an example for all Christian women to follow.

In preparation, please read 1Peter 3:1-6 and Proverbs 31:10-31