If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. (Romans 8:11 ESV)
This Sunday, our church has the privilege of experiencing another baptism service. These events always serve as reminders of God’s amazing grace. As we hear the testimonies and watch the baptisms, we will hear the gospel and see the gospel on display. As we revel in the gospel, we can both thank God for what he is doing in the lives of our brothers and sisters and remember our own salvation.
Reflecting on our salvation should never get old. When we recall just how sinful we are and just how holy God is, we will be brought to such thankfulness that all we could do is worship. We are weak, however, and often forget. That’s why these baptism services are so helpful to us.
Take time this weekend to read Romans 8:1-11, a portion of what some Christians have considered the greatest chapter in the Bible. There is so much inspired truth in these verses that remind us not only of what we were but what we will be.
Before Christ, we were condemned, with our minds set on the flesh, and we couldn’t please God. In Christ, we are free from condemnation and God’s Spirit dwells in us.
And now, we have the power to mortify sin in our lives, as the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead gives us power every day! What a resource! And what a reminder to us that God loves us. May this truth never grow old!