When we become Christians, we become citizens of heaven and are set apart and called together as a church to dwell in a settlement that is in the darkness of enemy territory. As such, we cannot leave our ramparts unguarded. We must be alert, on continual watch, be prepared, and have our armor in place. We must be aware of the schemes of the enemy. We do not fight this fight alone, but together with the rest of God’s church. We meet to discuss strategy and consider what the enemy’s next move might be. We encourage one another when battle fatigue sets in. We cover each other’s back. We are supplied with both offensive and defensive arms. And we pray for one another as we fight together.
We must be aware that wherever grace brings advance, victory, and respite, attacks will come. In the regular process of our sanctification, God permits Satan and his realm of principalities and powers to attack us in our ordinary routine of daily life. He seeks to defeat us, or at least cripple us, in our own households – in our marriages, family and workplace. It is significant that this call to arms immediately follows ‘The Household Table’ of the previous section of Ephesians – as it is in the household that we are most often defeated. Our enemy Satan seeks to destroy us by having us walk after the pattern of this world. He lays mines of deceitful lusts, lying, bitterness, anger, wrath, corrupt words, fornication, covetousness, and idolatry.
Of course our victory is secure, but that does not mean that we can avoid the fight. As Christians we bear the responsibility to stand and fight, especially in, the darkness of this present age.