Before the world was, before there was anything but the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, the eternal counsel of the Trinity determined to choose and predetermine a people who would bear His name and walk in the beauty of holiness. Ephesians 1 reveals that God’s sovereign choice in predestination is made in love. It is not a harsh or arbitrary act, as the enemies of this doctrine have painted it to be. In fact, the matter of election is often brought up within doxologies and is intended to elicit the gratitude of God’s people, yet man in his wickedness has made it a matter of contention and strife. In Scripture, election is never thought of as a blind, impersonal or mechanical thing, but as a merciful and gracious decree made in infinite wisdom, goodness and love. It is tied to His saving us, and so should bring us great joy.
Prejudice against the doctrine of election for some, may stem from misunderstanding it as a harsh, arbitrary decree. But the spiritual reason that the doctrine of predestination and election are so maligned by men, and the doctrine of free-will so exalted, is plain and simply, pride and conceit. Without a doubt, this doctrine deals a crushing blow to man’s pride, as it strips away all trust in human flesh, leaving one to only hope in the magnificent grace of an Almighty and Sovereign Lord. If you have hated or even ignored this doctrine in the past, it is time that you repent, and make it a matter of immediate attention and meditation. Set aside all of the presuppositions of your past teaching and let the Scripture speak as to the meaning of, He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.
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