Many a sermon has used this text as a springboard against worldliness, and indeed it is a strong admonition against such. However, we must keep in mind that our terms must be defined by scripture, not cultural trends. What is considered “worldly” by one Christian may not be considered such by another. Our time in this text does not seek to provide a list of what behaviors are worldly. We will instead focus on the heart. A heart that is wrapped up in the things of this world cannot also be filled with the Father’s love. Rather than discuss choices in dress and music and entertainment we will be challenged to take inventory of our hearts and ask whether or not we truly love this world.
As Christians, we walk the line between heaven and earth. The things of this world will try to capitvate your heart. But remember, “the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17)