The Apostle Paul was very gentle with weak brethren whose conscience was over-scrupulous. He readily made policy concessions, as in the case when he circumcised Timothy. But on a matter of principle, when the truth of the gospel was at stake, he stood firm and would not budge. This combination of softness and strength is well expressed by Martin Luther:
“Let this be then the conclusion of all together, that we will suffer our goods to be taken away, our name, our life, and all that we have, but the gospel, our faith Jesus Christ, we will never suffer to be wrested from us. And cursed be that humility which here abaseth and submitteth itself. Nay rather, let every Christian man here be proud and spare not, except he will deny Christ. Wherefore, God assisting me, my forehead shall be more hard than all men’s foreheads. Here I take upon me this title, according to the proverb: cedo nulli, I give place to none. Yea, I am glad even with all my heart, in this point to seem rebellious and obstinate. And here I confess that I am and ever will be stout and stern, and will not one inch give place to any creature. Love giveth place, for it beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things (1 Cor. 13:7), but faith giveth no place. Now, as concerning faith we ought to be invincible, and more hard, if it might be, than the adamant stone; but as touching love, we ought to be soft, and more flexible that the reed or leaf that is shaken with the wind, and ready to yield to everything.”