Isaac takes center stage in the only chapter that is fully about him in Genesis. Although, as we see from this study it is God himself who is the foundation of this chapter. The Lord told Isaac “I will be with you”, and further on that “I am with you” Finally, Abimelech acknowledges that God has certainly been with you! This is a chapter that speaks about God’s promises, his blessings and finally his faithfulness. Isaac clearly has many benefits as one in Covenant with God. We end this study with a look at the NT believer’s benefits that God’s bestows on those who are in Christ, and in covenant with God as born again Christians. There are many benefits that come from being partakers in the new covenant that was inaugurated that night of the Passover dinner.
Within a few days Jesus Christ rose from the grave, and the new covenant had begun.
It’s our desire to bring this knowledge to the church, that we, who are born again, are in covenant also with God just as Abraham and Isaac was. Only we know much more about the covenant having the full revelation delivered to us by the way of the Apostles and Prophets in the form of the Bible.