The LORD, YHWH is not only described as a Judge, but as a Savior. In Isaiah 43:11, God proclaims, “I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior.” Likewise in Hosea 13:4, “you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior.” Like the role of Judge was given to Christ, so is the role of Savior given to Him. Among the masses of people who reject Christ, there are some, chosen by Jesus, who sense their need of Him; it is these who, weary and burdened by their sin, come to Jesus and do not find “woe” but salvation and rest.
As we have seen before and will see again in this Gospel, Matthew reveals Jesus as both Judge and Savior – often side by side. Faithful expository preaching will not neglect either role of the Messiah. Ultimately we preach Christ as Savior, but salvation means little outside of the context of the judgment we all deserve. Faithful exposition of Matthew reveals Christ as Judge of the smug and Savior of the penitent.