Messiah’s Mother

May 14, 2017 By: Pastor Joseph LoSardo Series: Messiah in Matthew Scripture: Matthew 12:46-50
Every year “Mother’s Day” is celebrated in our country. While we do not feel pressured to bend to the traditions of men, on this occasion, due to the proximity of this text in chapter 12, we will intentionally go a bit out of order in our exposition of Matthew and consider these 5 encouraging verses concerning Jesus’ true family. But instead of a sentimental message about the importance and value of earthly mothers and family (as important as they are), this text will challenge our thinking as to who we ought to give priority to in our lives. We all love our family; we are most comfortable communicating and serving and visiting with our physical mother, brothers and sisters; however, this text challenges us with a very different definition of who, in fact, is family. Clearly Jesus defines His family by pointing to His disciples, (“whoever does the will of my Father.”) o while there is nothing wrong with celebrating the sacrifice and love of your own mother; while there is nothing wrong with having a close spot in your heart for your physical family; this kind of love is only to serve as an example of how we are to love our brothers, sisters, and mother of Christ in your church. Next Sunday, look around the gathered assembly of God’s people, and behold your brother, your sister, and your mother.