Jesus’ authoritative teaching (Matthew chapters 5-7) and demonstration of power (chapters 8 & 9) were not meant merely to astonish crowds (7:28-29, 10:33). But Jesus’ words and works pointed to a greater purpose – a mission. We often refer to this mission as “evangelism,” from the Greek euangelion meaning “good message.” Evangelism is the mission of the church. It is the proclamation of the good news that Jesus has come into the world to save us from our sins; that by trusting in His substitutionary death and conquering resurrection, we have forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and eternal life. Over the next 3 sermons, we will consider chapter 10 of Matthew’s Gospel under the banner of “Mission Impossible.” First we will examine the incentives, staff and mission itself (9:34-10:15); then in part 2, the peculiar danger of the mission (10:16-39); and finally in part 3, the mission’s reward (10:40-42). In part 1 on Sunday, we will see how at the beginning of the mission, Jesus chose 12 men to herald the gospel message and gave them specific instructions as to how to carry out their impossible mission in the midst of a hostile world.