Christ’s example is our model for persevering through persecution and suffering. Just as the original recipients of this epistle faced trials and tribulations in the path of obedience to Christ (Hebrews 10:32-34), we too are called to endure such sufferings by looking to our Savior’s perfect example. Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel, suffered a brutal physical death at the hands of evil men. Verse 2 teaches us that he endured this punishment and God’s wrath because he was ever-fixed upon the “joy that was set before him,” namely, securing salvation for His people. Not even the shame of the cross, the weight of the sin He bore, nor the physical miseries He shouldered could keep Him from pursuing this joy. It is because of our Messiah’s single-mindedness and faithful determination that He was able to persevere and finish His earthly mission. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Let us therefore remain fixed on Jesus, looking to His earthly example of faithfulness to sustain us and motivate us. As we strive toward the “finish line,” enduring the trials of life, our gaze must always be on Jesus – our Savior, that we may finish our race well and lay hold of our eternal prize and inheritance.