In Exodus ch 24 of we come to the climax of the Covenant God began with Israel back in chapter 19. There Israel arrived in the wilderness of Sinai and camped at Mt Sinai and the Lord spoke to Moses. From chapters 19 – 24 the Lord elaborates what the Covenant entails. Known to us as the Old Covenant or Mosaic Covenant. The Covenant includes the Ten Commandments found in ch 20 but also various laws on how Israel were to deal with one another as situations will arise as they enter the Land. In ch 24:7 the various laws God commanded Israel to follow are called “The book of the Covenant” In Ch 19:8 and again in ch 24:7 after Moses explained these commands and laws to Israel the people replied “All that the LORD has spoken we will do.” But in our text in Exodus 24:6-8 as the Covenant is confirmed we see something we haven’t seen yet in the Bible. Not only is the blood applied to the altar, but it’s sprinkled upon the people also! The Lord is revealing to Israel and us the importance of the sacrificial blood being applied to His people that we see more clearly in the New Testament as the New Covenant commences. A sacrifice that will never have to be repeated! Jesus’ blood was shed and redemption was accomplished. We see the New Covenant commenced in Luke 22:20 “He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.”