The Fate of the Wicked

Mar 16, 2014 By: Damien Garofalo Series: Proverbs Scripture: Proverbs 10:17
Solomon uses precepts, principles, and warnings, and often times repeats them, because he sees the big picture that his children do not yet see. He wants his children to walk in righteousness because “the righteous will never be removed” (10:30a). He knows that the one who “heeds instruction is on the path to life” (10:17a). He knows the “righteous is delivered from trouble (11:8a), will “flourish like a green leaf” (11:28b) and will be “repaid on earth” (11:30). A good father wants all this for his children! The same father is also deeply disturbed at what lies ahead if his son chooses to ignore the proverbs. The wicked “leads others astray” (10:17b), dies “for lack of sense” (10:21b), will “not dwell in the land” (10:30b), and “will not go unpunished” (11:21a). This section of the Proverbs should be read as though a parent is writing through tears a letter of warning to his child! As we consider the terrible fate of the wicked, let our minds be drawn back to Christ. If not for the grace of God in Christ, we would suffer the same fate. May this truth also motivate us to preach the gospel to those who are headed toward destruction. Finally, may God use this word to convict stony hearts and call sinners to repentance.