In this passage, we see Paul announce his departure to Jerusalem to the Ephesian elders admonishing them to “pay careful attention to (themselves) and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made (them) overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” (v.28). He even warns them that there will be “wolves” that will arise even in their midst, exhorting them even more to be on guard. The Word of God reminds us how valuable and how vulnerable His church is in this chapter. We see that the church’s value demands integrity and self-sacrifice because it has been bought by the blood of Christ, which is more valuable than any earthly jewel or inheritance. God has entrusted elders/pastors to care for His sheep and His church. May we remember to continuously pray for our spiritual leaders as they have been entrusted with this great task.