The Priest & The Troublemaker

Apr 13, 2008 By: Pastor Joseph LoSardo Series: Amos (The Visions) Scripture: Amos 7:10-17
This world and the devil, as well as the established church will forever be attempting to silence the prophets in one way or another. We live in an age where adhering to Biblicism is considered, “old fashioned.” “Preaching,” it is supposed, “is outdated – we must be open to other forms of evangelism and ministry in our churches.” Satan is constantly at work to discourage Gospel ministers from holding fast the faithful word. Even human governments are attempting to legislate political correctness in church pulpits. How must the man of God respond to such guile? He must not allow, ‘Amaziah’ to bully him into setting aside his God-given ministry. He must be certain of his commission to preach the Word and revisit the moments when he became conscious of his call. This is exactly what Amos does. In verses 14-15 of chapter 7, Amos recounts his own calling. In the end when the plumb-line of God’s Word falls between Amaziah, the priest, and Amos, the troublemaker, it is the priest who is exposed as the self-seeking, unscrupulous politician who would not heed God’s Word. And because the priest seeks to silence God’s mouthpiece, he will find himself silenced. Everything that Amaziah had come to trust in will be lost, as he will be destroyed by the very Word he despised.