The True Man and true men

Apr 14, 2019 By: Pastor Joseph LoSardo Series: Messiah in Matthew Scripture: Matthew 26:31-46
Nowhere is the human weakness of the disciples contrasted with the strength of Christ more clearly than in the garden of Gethsemane. While the scene in the garden that night teaches Jesus’s true humanity, as we find Him confused, depressed, and even fearing death; nevertheless, His poise and resolve to carry out His Father’s will, prevail as He anguishes in prayer. While Jesus overcomes His grief through prayer, the disciples are found sleeping. Instead of being watchful in prayer, they did not find prayer very important. The result of Gethsemane is that Jesus emerged confident to face the trials that lay ahead of him, while the disciples were unprepared for what came next, and ended up forsaking Jesus in His most difficult hour.