Paul brings this glorious epistle to a close with a few simple parting words, a greeting, and a benediction. We are introduced to Tychicus, the bearer of this letter, and learn a bit about his friendship with Paul. Due to Paul’s close relationship with the Ephesian church, instead of a few lines of personal nature at the end of the epistle, Paul sends Tychicus, a living epistle, to update the church about his welfare. The personal face to face visit and testimony of Tychicus would encourage the church far more than a mere few lines in a letter.
Prayer, correspondence, and personal visitation remain to this day, the three major means by which Christians can encourage one another, and so contribute to the building up of the body of Christ.
Reflect upon your own church life. How connected are we to the brethren? How much do you really know about your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you count them as family? Or are you aloof from your spiritual family, giving preference to your physical family and secular friends? How often do you pray for those in your church? With the telephone, email and Facebook, we have an unprecedented opportunity to reach out and encourage our brethren far more than past generations – are you taking full advantage of these things to correspond often with your church family? Of course, nothing replaces face to face fellowship – how often do you actually see your brothers and sisters face to face to fellowship, pray for, and encourage one another during the week? What steps might you take this year to strengthen the external ties that bind our hearts in Christian love?