Baptism Questions

Aug 07, 2011 By: Pastor Joseph LoSardo Series: Baptism Scripture: Matthew 3:1-6; Matthew 3:13-17; Romans 6:1-11
Baptism is an ordinance of God, given to the Christian upon a sincere confession of faith. It is a sign and a seal of a person’s salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Col. 2:12). Believers only should be baptized – not unbelievers, and not infants; all those who believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord who died for their sin and was raised for their justification should not be hindered from being baptized (Acts 8:26-38). From the days of the New Testament throughout church history, baptism has always been the clearest outward display of one’s profession of faith. The word “baptize” means “to dip or plunge into;” thus, immersion is the understood mode of baptism. This was clearly the method used by our Lord Himself and the Apostles. Christ commands baptism, and as such, it is an important non-optional ordinance into which any true believer will desire to follow Christ’s example. Witnessing a Christian baptism is encouraging to the rest of the church, as it is a manifested display of the Gospel. As such we believe that it is normative that baptism be administered in the context of one’s local church. Following the sermon listen to the testimony of brother Adiel who was baptized on 8/7/11