Paul concludes his teaching on the Christian’s spiritual battle, calling us to all prayer and supplication. There are times in life where we will feel unable to even wield the sword of the Spirit – at such times, let us call upon our all powerful God in prayer. Paul runs one idea into the next in this text detailing the manner and objects for which he is calling upon us to pray: a) praying always b) with all prayer and supplication c) in the Spirit, d) being watchful … e) with all perseverance and supplication f) for all the saints — and g) for me.
First as the manner of prayer, it is to be offered always – literally in every season. Praying ‘in the Holy Spirit,’ means to rely on His power and wisdom as you pray; it means submitting your thoughts, will, and desires to the Word of God. Remembering that the context is prayer in the midst of battle, such ‘warfare prayer,’ requires vigilance and perseverance. The word ‘watchful’ conveys the idea of the military soldier who is on watch, who must stay awake and alert on his guard duty. With all perseverance, suggests determination or resoluteness as opposed to growing weary and giving up. Prayer is the expression of the life of a disciplined soldier for Christ who is in constant communion with God.
Secondly the text tells us the object for which we pray: “For all the saints.” Sinclair Ferguson writes, “No stronghold of Satan is safe from the remotest saint who knows what it is to pray!” Lastly Paul asks for prayer for himself, in particular that he would be bold in his preaching of the Gospel. Pastors today need prayer if their congregations are going to hear preaching with Gospel boldness.