Today, we who are in Christ know many things that were unknown to David about the nature and method of prayer. We understand that effective prayers are only those offered boldly at the throne of grace of mercy based upon the merit of Christ’s blood. While these details were unknown to David, today we yet suffer with many of the same problems that David dealt with; and like David, we too must cry unto the Lord and present our supplications to Him with the same suppliant nature. Such prayers have been common to the people of God in every age. So if you labor and are heavy laden, come to Christ; bow at His feet and ask of Him, as one who is suppliant.
Ultimately, more than anything, we see Jesus Christ in this Psalm. Christ always went to His Father in His own time of need. Though He was in very nature Almighty God, He became the weak suppliant. Hebrews 5:7 says, “in the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.” Even to this day, Jesus, as our great High Priest, continues to offer prayers or intercession for His people as the perfect suppliant. Let us likewise take on the posture of the suppliant, as we continually recognize our neediness and reliance upon our God.