Of all of the portraits of Jesus Christ, one of beloved is that of the Good Shepherd. This image portrayed in John 10 speaks to us of the personal care, love, guidance and vigilant protection of the Good Shepherd.
The parable teaches us that the Lord Jesus Christ knows His sheep, calls them individually by name, and lays down His life for them. This is not by some impersonal or arbitrary decree, but a personal, tender call: “Matthew, follow me” “Zacchaeus, come down,” “Philip, follow me,” “Nathanael, I saw you sitting under that tree,” “Lazarus, come forth” “Mary!” Likewise He calls your name; He knows you. As Paul writes, for those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified (Romans 8:29-30). Meditate upon that; He foreknew, that is fore-loved you!
Having known and called His sheep, the Good Shepherd then leads them out. Out of what? Out of the old life and into the new abundant life. Out of paganism, atheism, occultism, agnosticism, moralism, materialism, intellectualism, Hinduism, commercialism, Buddhism, Catholicism, and all other of man’s “isms,” and in through the one and only Gate through which the righteous enter. All of the world’s religions are merely a collection of claims to spiritual truths and methods. Jesus did not merely claim to teach truth, but He claimed to be the Truth. He did not merely show the way to God, He is the way. He is the gate – the door – and whoever enters by Him shall be saved.