Here in the third section of Jesus’ high priestly prayer Jesus offers His third major petition, that His followers be made one, as He and the Father are one. This passage of Scripture is one of the most misused and misunderstood in the modern church. It is incomprehensible that people can quote these verses in John 17 on unity and forget or ignore that which is repeated three times – as we are (v. 11), as Thou Father art in me (v. 21), even as we are one (v. 22). Clearly this is no organizational, fleshly or mechanical unity, but one that is internal, based upon the work of God causing us to be in Christ, by the living Word of God. It is a union to which members are brought together as they are separated from and hated by the world; a union whose members are set apart unto God in the truth of His word. This is the only unity that the New Testament addresses, and should be the only kind of unity that we should endeavor to keep.