I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:5-6 ESV)
Our studies in The Book of Job come to a conclusion this Sunday. Throughout this series, we have shared in Job’s agony over some of life’s most perplexing questions raised by this portion of scripture. The Book of Job gives us many hints at the answers, the entirety of the Bible clarifies the questions, and the New Testament, particularly Christ Jesus, resolves the questions.
This doesn’t mean that if we believe in Christ, we’ll have all the answers to all our questions. But faith in Christ satisfies our longings and provides a balm for our agony.
The last question we’ll consider is Who Is the God of Job?
When we first began our studies in this book, the concept of suffering was at the forefront. However, as we mined the depths of this ancient text, it has become more apparent that the Book of Job is not so much about suffering as it is about God.
After all, Job and his friends are wrestling over God’s justice, God’s sovereignty, and God’s wisdom. Job doesn’t understand how he, a man who fears God, could feel so abandoned by God. And, as we’ve seen, Job’s only hope is that somehow and in some way he can just speak to God to resolve the problem. The Book of Job is ultimately about our relationship to God.
For those who believe in God – will our faith hold up among trials? Will we look to God when Satan attacks us? What is everything we love and everything we know is suddenly taken away? What are the limits of suffering, wherein we would say, “Ok, at this point, I no longer want anything to do with God.” The Book of Job brings us to those limits.
Why did Job never ultimately abandon his hope in God, even though several times it seems he came close? Chapter 42 tells us that after Job had an experience with God, he repented, resigning himself to the sovereign wisdom of God, because “my eyes have seen you.”
There is something comforting and assuring about having a revelation from God. Everything else grows strangely dim in the light of God’s glory.
This Sunday, we will look more closely at God’s speech to Job and Job’s response to God, as the God Who Made the Stars and the God Who Rules the Seas makes himself known. May it be that we trust in this all-wise God all the days of our lives.