Up to this point in the letter, Peter has been addressing the congregation, seeking to help them face their fiery trials with faith and trust in a sovereign, loving Heavenly Father. He wants them to know that these trials are designed by God to strengthen their faith. He holds out Christ’s suffering as a motivation for their suffering. Christ, the just and holy one, willingly suffered at the hand of sinners, that He might bring us to God. He is certainly worthy of our suffering.
Peter ends chapter 4 with a sobering note of judgment that is to begin with the household of God, and end with the wicked at the last day. Now in chapter 5, he turns his attention to the pastors. He wants to make sure that they are not shaken by these trials, but are staying the course of shepherding and overseeing the flock.
He assures them that he himself is a fellow elder who is subject to the same dangers as they are. Peter was not only an eyewitness to the suffering of Christ, the Chief Shepherd, but also suffered for His sake. He is now doing what the Lord appointed him to do in John 21:15, and that is to feed His sheep.
So pastors are to be Christ-like examples to the flock in every way…