“On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross ….” There is not much more one can say for sure about Golgotha than that – it is a hill far away. Though the object of much legend, speculation and reference in pop culture, not much is known about Golgotha. Significantly, the Holy Spirit tells us little of Golgotha in Scripture. Paul does not use the name, John mentions many geographical locations in his Revelation, but never once mentions Golgotha. It is clear that God has chosen not to adorn Golgotha with any physical monument, as to this day, the exact location of Golgotha remains unknown.
Much like the man Jesus himself, and the town in which he grew up, the place of His death, Golgotha, was very ordinary. Unlike the Old Testament mountains of Zion, Horeb, Moriah, Carmel, Sinai, Hermon, Gerizim or Ebal, Mt. Calvary (which is from the Latin name for Golgotha) is not nearly as ostentatious. This supports the truth that the church is not to remember the death of Christ by any monument, icon or location, but through the Spirit, with bread, a cup, and a prayerful heart. He who has partaken of the Lord’s Table need not travel to Golgotha, for He has already done so in spirit.
Today, though grass has grown over Golgotha and it is an unknown place, yet it remains the grandest of all Biblical mounts. For Golgotha carries both curse and blessing. In it, is the basis of salvation and reprobation, adoption and forgiveness, and a deeper basis for judgment.