“It is Finished” have been called “the greatest words ever uttered by the greatest man that ever lived.”
A single word in Greek, tetelestai, when understood properly, is perhaps the single most important word in all of Scripture. In this word is the consummation of all of Scripture: the Old Testament prophecies of His person and death, all fulfilled; the types and shadows of the law fulfilled and explained; the death-certificate pronounced by the law is crucified; the wrath of God satisfied, and the power of Satan and sin finished for God’s people. This word was so powerful that it shook heaven, earth and hell! I don’t believe that ever in history, anywhere, at any time, by anybody, is there a word more meaningful than this spoken by Jesus Christ at the end of His life – tetelestai!
When we survey the wondrous cross, we find that Christ’s love is, ‘so amazing and so divine,’ that He bore our sins in His body, taking the curse and the wrath of God upon Him; In His nakedness, He bore our shame; He took our sins and His heart was broken that ours might be healed; He was an outcast that we might be brought in; He suffered without the gate that we might enter into heaven. In the cross, the very curse of the fall is reversed in every aspect. IT IS FINISHED!