Messiah’s Ministry Begins: Munus Triplex (Christ as Prophet, Priest and King)

Sep 06, 2015 By: Pastor Joseph LoSardo Series: Messiah in Matthew Scripture: Matthew 4:12-25
A helpful doctrine to understand the work of Christ on earth is the concept of munus triplex, or the threefold office of Christ. The doctrine teaches that during His life and ministry on earth, Jesus performed all three of the functions reserved in the Old Testament for separate individuals – namely that of prophet, priest, and king. Our text this week relates the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth. First, in verses 12-17, he is described in terms of the light of the nations. As such, Jesus heralds His message, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (4:17). Matthew intends this sentence to encapsulate Jesus’ essential message as Messiah the prophet. Secondly in verse 18-22 of the chapter, we find Jesus calling His disciples. Jesus calls, and these fishermen immediately leave their nets and even their family and follow Him. His command is authoritative, thus Jesus’ words are more than prophetic but are a royal declaration. Jesus is Lord and King of His church. Thirdly in in the conclusion of our text, we see Jesus’ healing work. This aspect of His ministry, is a property of His priestly office. He did not refuse one who came to Him, no matter how filthy or vile the disease. No less does he turn away sinners. So we sinners, bruised and broken by the fall of mankind, have Jesus’ blood to heal us and make us whole.