The Cosmic Theater

Apr 11, 2010 By: Pastor Joseph LoSardo Series: Ephesians III Scripture: Ephesians 3:9-11
I. A church trip to the a Theater A. The anticipation of opening night B. The marquee C. Where are our seats? D. Who’s in the audience? II. Why I believe this text is important in light of trends toward ‘privatized Christianity.’ A. It’s not about you. Really? B. There is one (unadjusted) Gospel C. The rise of contemplative spirituality D. The expanded scope of the Gospel’s influence (Eph 3:9) III. The absolutely unbelievably enormous intent of the Gospel (Eph 3:10-11) A. God’s final purpose – to display His manifold wisdom B. By the church C. To the principalities and powers D. According to God’s eternal purpose accomplished in Christ E. Application: How do we display God’s manifold wisdom?