The last piece of defensive equipment to be named in the armor of God is the helmet of salvation. Since Paul is writing to Christians, one might wonder what this refers to – are not Christians already saved? Remember that the Bible uses the word salvation in three ways, and it is in each of these three ways that we are to put on the helmet of salvation.
First salvation is used to describe what God has done in His finished work in Christ, and our reception of it. Though this is a past action and is complete and final, the Christian is to remain mindful of their salvation – he is to focus on the specific objective truths of Christ’s finished work, especially in times of intense spiritual pressure.
Secondly, salvation is a continuing work that God is doing in the Christian progressively – treating us as children, disciplining us, and conforming us into the image of His Son. Putting on the helmet of salvation in this context might refer to our walking in God’s will – becoming sanctified or renewed in our minds as they are transformed by His Word and we are changed into His image from glory to glory.
Thirdly, salvation is also used of what God will do for us in the future. One day we will be thoroughly changed – we will be raised incorruptible, when this mortal puts on immortality. Acquitted from final judgment, we will spend eternity with God in the new heavens and the new earth. Since the helmet is placed on the head, it suggests that we keep the coming resurrection and final salvation ever in mind. The warfare will one day cease; before long we will be in heaven gazing upon the glorious countenance of our Beloved bridegroom.