Gripped by a violent anger, he stormed out of the wedding and away from his newly wed wife, returning to temporarily live with his parents. After some length of time, his anger cooled off, and a desire to be reunited with his wife filled his heart. So Samson took a young goat as a gift and went to visit his wife. But when he arrived, he was greeted with the shocking news that his wife had been given to his friend. Once again Samson burned with anger and vowed revenge against the Philistines, and Samson was aroused to strike out against the Philistines. Samson always seemed to have trouble getting motivated to fight the Philistines for the right reasons; for the cause of God he initially had little concern; he was very apathetic about the things of God. This attitude was reflected in his attitude toward his Nazirite vow. However, when the cause concerned Samson, he was highly motivated.
Is this your attitude? Are you most outraged over issues that only affect you? Or are you concerned with that which concerns God for righteousness sake?