According to Jesus, if we have ears, it is important to hear what the Spirit of God is saying in these verses. He tells John to write some things to the church at Sardis. The king and his people had become extremely rich, but it was their very wealth and prosperity which ended up bringing them down. As they settled more and more into trusting in the false security of luxury and splendor, they became soft and lazy. Their society quickly became wicked and perverse, while the people were smug in self-confidence, thinking that their wealth would last forever.
Does this sound like you? It is all of us to one degree or another. The good news is that Christ has a solution for such sin. He tells us to be watchful, to strengthen the things which remain, to remember what we have received and heard, and to hold fast and repent. Revelation 3:3 tells us to remember how we have received and heard, let’s apply this to our own church. Hold fast and repent of the things which you have neglected!