“What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” John 6:28
Many people ask this same question, when they approach God. It is the question of self-righteous natural men, occupied with their own doing. The carnal soul is flattered as long as it is doing something for God; for in his doings man deems himself entitled to reward. This is the world’s understanding of salvation, that it is something that is due them. His reward is thus “not of grace, but of debt.” This degrades God into the position of debtor to man, and thus robs the Almighty of His glory!
“This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” John 6:29
What a beautiful summary of the Gospel! Jesus’ blessed and simple answer is that the one thing that God requires of sinners is that they believe on Him. It is not the works of the law, nor the bringing of an offering to the temple altar, but faith in Christ that saves. It is faith in Christ alone which God approves, and without which nothing else can be acceptable in His sight.
Man’s religion, morality, and vows stand as proof that he would rather “do” than “believe;” it feeds his pride; it repudiates his depravity; it provides for him an occasion to boast. Nevertheless, the one and only “work” which God will accept is faith in His Son. Your own doings, even if they were to the point you would wish them to be, could never save you. As it is written, “by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight.” But as you look to Jesus, as you look to the cross in faith, you will be justified. And on this basis alone, no charge shall ever be raised against you. And you will know that the true work of God is finished.