This, the first prayer of the Psalter, was offered as David fled his palace in the dead of night, in order to run from an army of thousands that had been gathered together against him by his son, Absalom. Prayer originates in the midst of trouble, in the midst of man recognizing that his only hope is in His God. David first expresses a sense of being overwhelmed with his present circumstances; however, at the end of verse 2, his mood changes with the word Selah.
After the Selah, we find David with a new found confidence that God is his shield – his protection (v. 3). Again after crying out to God (v. 4), a second Selah leads David into a sweep sleep, for he trusts in the Lord; he is confident that the hand of the Lord is upon him. Anxiety would certainly have kept him up all night keeping watch for his enemies, but even in this place, far his palace in the dead of night, he knew that God was with him and would protect him.
Do you have peace? What is your peace dependent upon? Realize that it is with tribulation that the authenticity of your faith is tested. In Matthew 13:20-21 the one, who, though he received the word with joy, was tested by tribulation, immediately stumbled. What trial are you facing today? Has it driven you to Christ through prayer or to stumbling in anxiety and stress? Though this world may be filled with devils who threaten to undo you, you can lie down and sleep and awake, knowing the Lord has sustained you (v. 5-6). Do not fear for, salvation belongs to the Lord (v. 8). Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5:1-2). Selah. Pause, lift up your heart and meditate upon this doctrine.